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Course Description In this chapter, we will focus on the issue of civil disorder and terrorism. We will examine some of the provisions of the Police in the Public Order Act 1979 and Terrorism Act 2011. In addition, we will also assess how Police treats suspects in riots and terrorist situations and the human rights…
Course Description The Nigeria Police and other security agencies play very significant roles in ensuring the success of our election. These roles include securing voting materials, electoral officers and candidates, maintaining peace and order during and after elections. However, the history of the involvement of security and law enforcement officials in policing elections in Nigeria…
In this chapter the following modules will be covered – Module 1 – Use of Force. Module 2- Use of Firearms. Module 3 – Procedure for the Use of Force, Firearms and other Law Enforcement Equipment. Module 4 – Conducting Anti-Crime Patrols. Module 5 – Capacity to Suppress Riots that are Beyond the Control of…
This chapter focuses on the rights of persons who are detained in police station, prison or other detention facilities and the rationale for protecting these rights. The chapter will also examine the issue prevention of torture, inhumane and degrading treatment in places of detention. The chapter is structured into the following modules – Module 1…
This chapter will focus on one of the most challenging problems faced by the Nigerian Criminal Justice System – the issue of delay in the delivery of criminal justice. In addressing this issue, we will examine the entire criminal justice system highlighting the role of the police, the human rights implications and recommended steps to…
1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Manual 2. Human Rights Desks 2.2 Human Rights Based Policing 2.3 Criteria For Posting The Human Rights Desk 3. Relationship With Other Human Rights Agencies 4. Functions of Human Rights Desks 4.1 Specific Duties of Human Rights Based personnel 4.1.1 CSP Human Rights Officer 4.1.2 ASP Human Rights Investigation 4.1.3…