- 1 (Registered)
The overall objective of this Chapter is to provide ground for child- friendly policing practices while enhancing the protective role of police officers and improving access to justice for children. More specifically, his training will provide to police personnel with both knowledge and skills to deal with children in the course of their profession, as enshrined in international and national legal standards. More practically, this chapter will provide police with competencies to reassure a child victim of criminal acts; respect a child’s dignity; use language adapted to a child, take into account the child’s age, gender, disabilities, analyse the child’s situations to determine if she/he requires emergency medical care or forensic testing, among other tasks fundamental for the implementation of the rights of a child.
The following modules will be covered under this chapter –
Module 1 – Rationale for the Introduction of a Child Rights Based
Approach in the Nigeria Police Force.
Module 2 – Description and Explanation of Basic Child Rights Principles.
Module 3 – Gaps in Law/Policies and Practices in relation to observance of Child Rights in Nigeria.
Module 4 – Competencies Necessary for the implementation of Child Rights Based Approach within the Nigeria Police Force. This is also structured to include key practical competencies that can help police officers in performing their duties in a manner that preserves the child’s best interests and in line with international and national laws.